Editor's Note: Trump Wants Voting Fixed 'So Good’ You Can Say ‘So Long’ To Your Rights

Trump wants to 'fix' American voting so we won't have to do it again

Jul 29, 2024 at 2:07 pm
Hot on the heels of the smarmy RNC convention, Trump begins to say the quiet parts out loud.
Hot on the heels of the smarmy RNC convention, Trump begins to say the quiet parts out loud. Donald Trump Official Facebook

When people tell you who they are, believe them. 

Video of Trump from Turning Point Action shows him imploring Christians to vote for him. He says he loves Christians then points to himself and says, “I’m not Christian.” Some think he said, "I'm a Christian," but he shakes his head as if to say no. He tells Christians to vote, “just this time.”  Later in the video he says, and this is him saying the quiet part out loud, “In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.”

Trump has made overture after overture that he wants to ignore the laws and rules of this country, and play dictator. When he says, “In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote,” he’s serious. 

After his behavior losing to Joe Biden in 2020, taking a loss isn’t really his style, even though he loses a lot. We all have to hear about it, listening to his incessant and insane ranting about it. 

The man is unhinged, and maybe Republicans should  also consider that age is certainly a factor for their presidential prize cow. 

America is supposed to be a country governed by laws and rules, and those include the right to vote in both national and local elections. For someone to say that we shouldn’t be concerned because we won’t have to vote again in four years is a HUGE red flag.

Earth to Trump voters, are you listening? Does that sound like Freedom to you?

He didn’t misspeak, and no amount of excuse peddling is going to take away the words we’ve all heard from him. You can hear it too if you just search Twitter (X) for it.

If I were a Republican voter, in particular, I’d have a real problem with someone telling me that my vote is only needed now, and that in four years he will have it “fixed so good” that I won’t have to vote again. 

Voting is a deeply moving experience for some of us. All women and all Black people cannot accept losing our ability to cast a vote because this bloated bog turtle says that he will have it “fixed so good.”

… “so good”

Trump has never done anything “so good” but sow chaos and confusion leaving Americans out to dry in the process of greasing the palms of his rich buddies on American dollars.

With news that Kentucky’s Gov. Andy Beshear is being considered as a possibility to run with Kamala Harris, I felt a brief moment that maybe just maybe this thing might be alright. The excitement surrounding Kamala is refreshing, and with a governor that I know, and that Kentuckians know well, that right to vote is even more important. 

I absolutely want to let it be known that I reject anyone who thinks they can fix voting “so good” that we don’t have to do it. 

We love to do it. 

We’d love to do it online, from home, from our phones, from anywhere that’s convenient, but what we don’t want is some orange baboon and his cronies fixing it so that we can’t vote again. 

That’s wholly unacceptable to any American that cherishes their rights. 

Trump has shown us time and time again that he flagrantly ignores the rules and laws of this country in his professional and personal life. He has shown his narcissism, his despicable way of putting down others because of his own very real shortcomings. Believe what you see from him. It’s really him. He’s really mean. He’s inept, and though it isn’t nice to say it, he’s an imbecile. It is what it is. 

I know that I lean way left, but hearing him say that he’d fix voting “so good” Americans won’t have to do it, upset me for ALL of us. Our vote is nothing to be fixed and if he likes vote fixing, maybe he can hang with his buddy Vladmir and get elected in Russia… that is if Vlad would let him.  Putin has voting fixed “so good” in Russia.

Oh and before I forget…

I know I said we didn’t have time for Biden to drop out, but Joe knew best, and I think it was the right decision after all.

Update 8/2/24: The parodies are coming in. Sarah Cooper has scored many hits with her videos using Trump's words. Here's her latest.