JCPS Board Of Education Approves Medical Marijuana For Students At School

The decision will allow students who are approved for medical marijuana

Jun 26, 2024 at 2:44 pm
The decision would affect every school in the JCPS system.
The decision would affect every school in the JCPS system. LEO Weekly Archive

Jefferson County Public Schools has approved a measure that would allow students to use medical marijuana during school hours.

click to enlarge Medical marijuana is set to become available to Kentuckians in 2025. - Adobe Stock
Adobe Stock
Medical marijuana is set to become available to Kentuckians in 2025.

Kentuckians are set to gain access to medical marijuana starting in 2025, which left schools across the state to decide whether the medically cleared drug would be allowed on school campuses for use by students. Currently, Kentucky law states that a district can allow the drug on school property.

Parents of JCPS students can now elect to either have a school nurse or staff member administer medical marijuana to the student, or have them or another guardian administer it themselves.

The JCPS policy also states that the administration of medical marijuana to a student must be done out of sight of other students.

Though the board’s decision has been approved by the district’s board of education on Tuesday, June 26, medical marijuana will not be legally available to anyone in Kentucky until Jan. 1, 2025.

Businesses will be able to get licenses for the sale of medical marijuana later this year in October.